Hon. Lady Justice Emelia Sunkutu – Judge-In-Charge, Ndola High Court
PROFILE Hon. Mrs. Justice Emelia Phiri Sunkutu is the Judge-in-Charge of the Ndola High Court. She was appointed to the High Court on 4th March, 2010. Justice Sunkutu holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Zambia and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Lancaster in the United Kingdom. She […]

Hon. Mr. Justice Kelvin Hancubwili Limbani – Judge-In-Charge, Kabwe High Court
PROFILE Hon. Mr. Justice Kelvin Hancubwili Limbani is a the Judge-in-Charge of the Kabwe High Court. He was appointed to the High Court on 13th November, 2017. Justice Limbani holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Zambia. He was admitted to the bar in 2004. Prior to his current appointment, Justice Limbani […]

App-034-2017-Zambia Revenue Authority Vs Professional Insurance Corporation Zambia-23-09-2020-Justice-Wood,Malila And Mutuna-JJS
App-034-2017-Zambia Revenue Authority Vs Professional Insurance Corporation Zambia-23-09-2020-Justice-Wood,Malila And Mutuna-JJS
What is Mediation This is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). It is a way of resolving disputes between two or more parties. A third party, the Mediator assists the parties to negotiate their own settlement. In some cases, mediators may express a view on what might be a fair or reasonable settlement, generally […]

Hon. Lady Justice Elizabeth Muyovwe is a Judge of the Supreme Court. She was appointed to the Supreme Court on 29th October, 2010. Justice Muyovwe holds Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Zambia. Justice Muyovwe also holds a Diploma in Women’s Law from the University of Oslo in Norway and was trained in […]