APP 10-2016-John Matele Sikota vs The People -17th March 2017-Mulongoti JA
APP 10-2016-John Matele Sikota vs The People -17th March 2017-Mulongoti JA

APP 10-2016-CAZ-8-023-2016- Clement Simuyembe vs ZESCO ltd -17th January 2107- Kondolo S.C
APP 10-2016-CAZ-8-023-2016- Clement Simuyembe vs ZESCO ltd -17th January 2107- Kondolo S.C

APP 6&7 -2016- Mwiya Muleya & Prince Mukupa vs The People – 17th March 2017- Chashi JA
APP 6&7 -2016- Mwiya Muleya & Prince Mukupa vs The People – 17th March 2017- Chashi JA

App-103-2019 Kansanshi Mining Plc vs Matthews Mwelwa Coram; Mchenga DJP, Chshimba, Majula, JJA.
App-103-2019 Kansanshi Mining Plc vs Matthews Mwelwa Coram; Mchenga DJP, Chshimba, Majula, JJA.