Frderick Nsofwa VS The People Coram; Justice Mchenga DJP, Majula, Muzenga, JJA
Frderick Nsofwa VS The People Coram; Justice Mchenga DJP, Majula, Muzenga, JJA

App 36-2020 National Milling Corporation Ltd vs Macadams Bakery Ltd Coram; Chshi, Lengalenga, Ngulube, JJA
App 36-2020 National Milling Corporation Ltd vs Macadams Bakery Ltd Coram; Chshi, Lengalenga, Ngulube, JJA

App 007-2020 Rosa Estates Ltd & 4 Others vs First National Bank Ltd Coram; Chisanga JP, Mulongoti, Siavwapa, JJA
App 007-2020 Rosa Estates Ltd & 4 Others vs First National Bank Ltd Coram; Chisanga JP, Mulongoti, Siavwapa, JJA

Appeal 63-2019 Kingsley Kabimba +1 vs Concrete Pipes & Products LTD 27-02-2020 Coram; Mchenga DJP, Chishimba, Majula, JJA
Appeal 63-2019 Kingsley Kabimba +1 vs Concrete Pipes & Products LTD 27-02-2020 Coram; Mchenga DJP, Chishimba, Majula, JJA

Appeal 039-2019 Agrivision Zambia Limited vs John Chitindi 26-02-2020 Coram; Chisanga JP, Sichinga, Ngulube, JJA
Appeal 039-2019 Agrivision Zambia Limited vs John Chitindi 26-02-2020 Coram; Chisanga JP, Sichinga, Ngulube, JJA

Appeal 64-2019 China State Construction +1 vs Mwape Kaimba 26-02-2020 Coram; Chisanga JP, Sichinga, Ngulube, JJA
Appeal 64-2019 China State Construction +1 vs Mwape Kaimba 26-02-2020 Coram; Chisanga JP, Sichinga, Ngulube, JJA

Appeal 93-2019 African Banking Corporation LTD vs Moses Vera 26-02-2020 Coram; Mchenga DJP, Chishimba, Ngulube, JJA
Appeal 93-2019 African Banking Corporation LTD vs Moses Vera 26-02-2020 Coram; Mchenga DJP, Chishimba, Ngulube, JJA

CAZ-08-323-2019 Moses Lukwanda + 9 Others VS Zambia Airforce Projects Limited + 7 Others 17-02-2020 Coram; Kondolo SC
CAZ-08-323-2019 Moses Lukwanda + 9 Others VS Zambia Airforce Projects Limited + 7 Others 17-02-2020 Coram; Kondolo SC

APP 22-2016- Frank Kazovu vs The People- 20th February 2018- Makungu JA
APP 22-2016- Frank Kazovu vs The People- 20th February 2018- Makungu JA

APP 21-2018- Linos Mabvuto Nchena vs Rusangu University- 12 April 2019 – Mchenga DJP
APP 21-2018- Linos Mabvuto Nchena vs Rusangu University- 12 April 2019 – Mchenga DJP