2019 -cc-A002 – Dean Masule Vs Romeo Kangombe – 05 February, 2020 – Justice Chibomda, PC, Mulenga, Mulembe, Munalula and Musaluke JJC
2019 -cc-A002 Dean Masule Vs Romeo Kangombe – 05 February, 2020 – Justice Chibomda, PC, Mulenga, Mulembe, Munalula and Musaluke JJC

2019-Ccz-0013 Law Association Of Zambia & Chapter One Foundation Limited Vs The Attorney Genral-Jul-2020-Coram Chibomba, Pc, Sitali, Mulenga, Mulembe, Mulonda, Munalula And Musaluke, JJC
2019-Ccz-0013 Law Association Of Zambia & Chapter One Foundation Limited Vs The Attorney Genral-Jul-2020-Coram Chibomba, Pc, Sitali, Mulenga, Mulembe, Mulonda, Munalula And Musaluke, JJC

2019-CCZ-0008 Chama Mutambalilo Vs The Attorney General, 29th December, 2019 – Chibomba,PC, Sitali,Mulenga, Mulonda and Musaluke, JJC

Hon. Lady Justice Hildah Chibomba – President of the Constitutional Court (Retired)
Hon. Lady Justice Hildah Chibomba is the President of the Constitutional Court. She was appointed to the Constitutional Court on 11th March, 2016. Justice Chibomba holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Zambia and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Bristol. She was admitted to the bar in 1982. […]

Hon. Lady Justice Mugeni Siwale-Mulenga
Hon. Mrs. Justice Mugeni Siwale Mulenga is a Judge of the Constitutional Court. She was appointed to the Constitutional Court 11th March, 2016. Justice Mulenga holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Zambia and a Master of Laws Degree from the University of Wellington. She was admitted to the bar in 1995. […]

Hon. Mr. Justice Palan Mulonda is a Judge of the Constitutional Court. He was appointed to the Constitutional Court on 11th March, 2016. Justice Mulonda holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Zambia and Master of International Law from the University of Lund in Sweden. He was admitted to the bar in […]

Hon. Mr. Justice Martin Musaluke is a Judge of the Constitutional Court. He was appointed to the Constitutional Court on 13th November, 2017. Justice Musaluke holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Zambia and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Cumbria in the United Kingdom. He was admitted to […]

The Hon. Justice Enoch Mulembe was born on 20th November, 1968. Justice Mulembe graduated from the University of Zambia in 1992 with a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB) with merit. He was admitted to the Zambian Bar on 30th December, 1993. In June 1996, Justice Mulembe obtained a Masters’ Degree in International Law (MIL) from […]

Hon. Mrs. Justice Anne Mwewa Sitali is a Judge of the Constitutional Court. She was appointed to the Constitutional Court 11th March, 2016. Justice Sitali holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Zambia and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Sydney. She was admitted to the bar in 1987. […]