App-031-2014-Gilbert Chikoti Vs Zesco Ltd-24th March 2021-Justice-Justice-Hamaundu, Kaoma And Kajimanga,JJS
App-031-2014-Gilbert Chikoti Vs Zesco Ltd-24th March 2021-Justice-Justice-Hamaundu, Kaoma And Kajimanga,JJS

App-011-2020-Scirocco Enterprises Ltd Vs Zambia Revenue Authority-14-04-2021-Justice-Musonda Dcj, Mutuna And Chinyama-JJS
App-011-2020-Scirocco Enterprises Ltd Vs Zambia Revenue Authority-14-04-2021-Justice-Musonda Dcj, Mutuna And Chinyama-JJS

App-032-2017-Angela Mutabale Vs Pascal Mwango & 1 Other-15-04-2021-Justice-Mambilima,Cj, Kajimanga And Kabuka,JJS
App-032-2017-Angela Mutabale Vs Pascal Mwango & 1 Other-15-04-2021-Justice-Mambilima,Cj, Kajimanga And Kabuka,JJS
Lusaka, 15th April 2021 – His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu this morning swore in 7 Hon. Judges of the Superior Courts. The Hon. Judges who stem from within the judicial service and the Legal Aid Board are as follows: Hon. Lady Justice Fulgency Mwenya Chisanga former Judge […]

Lusaka, 8th April 2021– In the continuous efforts to provide access to justice for all, the Judiciary today witnessed a countrywide swearing in of 31 newly appointed Magistrates Class III. The objective of the exercise is to ensure that all courts are staffed with adjudicators, as well as to increase the numbers of adjudicators […]

App-031-2014-Gilbert Chikoti Vs Zesco Ltd-24th March 2021-Justice-Justice-Hamaundu, Kaoma And Kajimanga,JJS
App-031-2014-Gilbert Chikoti Vs Zesco Ltd-24th March 2021-Justice-Justice-Hamaundu, Kaoma And Kajimanga,JJS

App-010-2020-Zambia Revenue Authority Vs Matalloy Company Ltd-25th March 2021-Justice-Hamaundu, Malila And Kaoma,JJS
App-010-2020-Zambia Revenue Authority Vs Matalloy Company Ltd-25th March 2021-Justice-Hamaundu, Malila And Kaoma,JJS

2019 -CCZ- 005-Bizwayo Newton Nkunika Vs Lawrence Nyirenda and 1 Other-10th March 2021 Coram Chibomba P.C, Sitali, Mulenga, Mulonda And Musaluke, JJC
2019 -CCZ- 005-Bizwayo Newton Nkunika Vs Lawrence Nyirenda and 1 Other-10th March 2021 Coram Chibomba P.C, Sitali, Mulenga, Mulonda And Musaluke, JJC

2020-CCZ-006 Benjamin Mwelwa Vs Attorney General-Feb-2021-Coram Mulenga, Munalula And Musaluka, JJC
2020-CCZ-006 Benjamin Mwelwa Vs Attorney General-Feb-2021-Coram Mulenga, Munalula And Musaluka, JJC